Monday, April 11, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

This mind of mine wanders way too much... which leads to what most may think are some ridiculous blog entries...but,...WHATEVER...

October 7th (2008) was one of those "low point in my life" days. It was the continuation of a bad October the 6th. anyway..... In the midst of this crazy time, I was informed that my water heater was not wired properly and I needed to upgrade the wiring before the house burnt down. I went to work until about noon, then left to go pick up the wire necessary to do the job. My dad had instructed me on what was needed and I headed to Lowe's. It was one of those days...when I just seemed to wander around aimlessly on the verge of tears, just hoping to make it home before they started to fall. My faith in the human species was tainted. I couldn't see the good in the world for some reason. This wasn't like me at all, but..on this particular day...I guess I wasn't me. The entire drive I just kept thinking..."What is wrong with the world today?" "Why does it seem like the right thing always yields the wrong result?" "Why, Why, Why???" It started to drizzle as I traveled along I-49 between Lafayette and Opelousas. I don't think I even noticed it until I parked the car. I exited in Opelousas and made my way into the Lowe's parking lot. I stepped out of the car, now aware of the drizzle. I didn't really think much about it raining on me. I didn't start to run or anything. I guess I didn't care much about getting wet at the time. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed an African-American man, in his mid fifties about two rows over, look at me, then head my way. I remember thinking, "hmmm..I wonder what he wants?" "Is he coming to me?"...I wasn't afraid or anything. I just wondered why this man was walking across the parking lot toward me. He walked up to me, then extended his hand out and put his umbrella over my head. He looked straight into my eyes... " I'll get you there", he said. I looked puzzled. I started to say, "that's ok, I'm fine."...but before I could get the words out...he said, "You look like a real nice lady. A real nice one who needs someone to do something nice for her." He led me to the entrance of Lowe's and I thanked him. "No problem." he responded. I barely got inside the store before I found myself holding back the tears. This time tears of joy...Tears not of sadness..but, in the restoration of the presence of good people on this messed up planet. It's funny that today...exactly two months from that day...I thought of this act of kindness. I guess that's why I felt I needed to write about it. I do try to make sure that I make eye contact with those I greet in the stores these days..speak to them and let them know that I do notice them. I try to be aware of those around me, make sure there are no elderly people who can't reach or lift something that I do not help. I try to make sure to let the mother who is struggling to keep her small children in check go before me in line. It's important to pay's important to extend acts of kindness whenever we can... We never know how many people we may have touched with random acts of kindness.... but, I surely don't want to know how many we've let slip through the cracks.

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